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This list is always a work in progress. If you have a suggestion for a Mediocre
Magical Item please email me and I'll set my
team to reviewing it.
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Item Name |
it Does |
Cost/Worth |
Sticky Gloves |
some reason, these gloves are really, really sticky. No one knows why, they just are. Once
put on, the gloves cannot be removed without considerable effort. If the player rolls
under a DC 10 to remove them, then their hands will remain slighty sticky for three full
weeks. |
4gp |
Scroll |
scroll looks like it contains a really awesome spell, however, the actual spell is a quite
boring one for removing body odor. Note: The spell will backfire when used on orcs, half
orcs, or goblins and will actually make them smell worse. In fact, the spell will only
work on elves or half elves, but being the posh nancy boys they are, elves do not -need-
spells of body odor removal, and will be insulted you offered it to them in the first
place. |
1gp |
Scroll |
scroll is so smudged it is completely unreadable - but has been rumored to be a map to
riches beyond belief, an amazing instant death spell that acutally works, or a recipie for
really amazing dragon scale soup. |
1gp |
Cloak of Much Itchiness |
cloak appears to be a beautiful deep green satin cape but has been cursed so that any
wearer that wears it will be unbearably itchy and will develop a suspicous looking rash
the longer they continue to wear it. |
5gp |
Falling Leaf of Lorien |
is a beautifully enameled green pin shaped like a leaf that will never stay closed and
keeps falling off into the mud. |
2gp |
Toothpick |
toothpick gleams with a silver light when used a player must make a roll for melee combat
against themselves, if they hit the toothpick will always draw blood, if the player or
creature crits they loose a tooth. |
1gp |
Old Longsword |
Longsword is old. Really, really old. In fact, it's so old that when used, it will do the
usual longsword damage, but you have to roll 1d20+dex bonus to make sure it doesn't fall
apart while you attack. DC 17 the sword stays together, but looks a little wobbly, DC 15
the blade is badly chipped, DC 10 the blade breaks from the hilt, and if you botch it, it
crumbles in your hands. |
5gp |
Hat |
hat appears to be a large purple velvet hat with a semi-precious rhinestone encrusted
buckle and four large peacock feathers, which grants the wearer +2 cha bonus.
Unfortunately it also makes everyone of the opposite sex believe that the wearer is not
interested in them in the slightest. Also results in the wearer being solicited for
interior decorating advice. |
2gp |
Sword |
sword is a good, sturdy sword with +2 to attack and +1 to strength. Unfortunately, its
hilt also resembles the Rod of Innuendo and when used, any observers will instantly begin
to write parchment after parchment of badly written smut describing in lurid detail the
user and the other most attractive member of the same sex in the party. |
5gp |
Quill |
written by this quill when read aloud has the ability to put both the reader and the
listener to sleep for 2 turns. |
1gp |
Boring Quill |
written by this quill when read aloud has the ability to put anyone within a 15 foot
radius to sleep for 3 turns. Also, pages written by this quill can be passed to enemies
for them to read to themselves - this will call them to fall asleep for 1 turn. |
2gp |
Cape |
appears to be a quite sturdy, ordinary wool cape. When worn, the wearer will be able to
speak in nothing but rhyme, and will have an incurable case of the giggles. |
5gp |
Bag of Occasional Holding. |
very used bag of holding with a hole in the bottom which will hold ten items of any shape
or size. However, if another item is added to those ten, the first item placed in the bag
will fall out. |
10gp |
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Credits to: Cassie, Helen, Nick, Jemma, Nat, and John for their help. |