Quotes: Page 9

A watched computer never boots! You suck!

Max: Some of the places the bathroom hole takes you are in Silent Hill, though.
Shelly: Do they explain why the bathroom hole takes you places?
Max: Not yet. Actually, after the last place I went to through it, it sealed itself up. Then another hole opens in the laundry room.
Shelly: So that's where the socks are going!
Max: That's where your car keys go, too. Walter has them. And he isn't giving them back.
Shelly: Damn. I'll miss my socks.
Max: You can always ask him for them.
Shelly: He might eat me.

I'm secure enough in my heterosexuality to play some showtunes.
     -Mr. Skullhead

Oh no! Not the taka taka of doom!

See, here I was hoping for good sex and all I get are wax covered turkies.

Guys, we're all hideously uncool. That's what makes us so freaking cool.
     -Mr. Skullhead

Oh the opacity!

Patience is a virtue. DSL is a greater virtue.

I want a Will I can feed Dog Treats for sexual favors.

Touga is disguised as a dildo!

Damnit! I hate you and your missleading tails!
     -Jemma about sheet music

Draco is dancing around in my head in a ballgown and tiara going: "You can't wriiiiite meee, I will not cooperaaaaate…"

There! That bush is a republican!

The only thing wierder than your dreams, love, is your real life.

And this wasn't wierd, mind you, a tiger complenting me on my choice of tofu!

Eggnog is not a cirtus!

I'm being mrr-ed at with a cute snuggly sort of vengeance.

Oh, commercialism, how I adore your cuteness!

He's about to be turned into a strange smoothie, yes, he's about to be grapefruited.
     - Shelly

Lemon and lime I can handle and then it went all salady on me.
     - Shelly

It's like the Hope diamond of sex scenes or something.
     -Shelly about "Life After Roses"

Bugger me for a lark; you know, not many Americans would say, "Screw me in the ass for a songbird."

Vicious drama-queen vegetarian vampire Jemma.

So he knows he's bi, or is this just a latent desire for snarky slytherin salami he didn't know he had?

Oooh, gay alliteration! Look at me! I can alliterate, and write fanfiction cliches!

I'm like the female version of a metro.
     -Chocolate Ex-lax

I look like a warm, fuzzy lumberjack.

Vinny: When I'm dead you can offer beer and hot dead chicks.
Kevin: The hot dead chicks are on me.

Necrophelia is ok once its between two dead people.

God has nipples too!

Skully: "You're listening to Ten Dozen Minutes of Latent Homosexuality with Jick."
Jick: "Latent my ass."

There would be a lot of phyiscally and devistated people running around the city.

Scarred lettuce - yes, do you traumatize green leafy vegetables?

You want to talk about an emotional rollercoaster? I could open a fucking six-flags!

Tracy the Tentacle...dear gods... I sincerely hope we forget this conversation.

Banana guilt....Your mom did it I just pointed it out.

Scum waffles!

I haven't caused enough trouble!  I need to impregnate something!
    -Shelly as Antec the Tom cat

Foreward, minon! Take me to my sink!

How do you like that? I'm a ninja! The Sticky Man! Observe the wall stickage!

Mermaid boobies do it everytime. We'd have a lot more lesbians if we had mermaids.

It's like badfic bingo, isn't it? "Under the B - anime crossover!" "Under the G - gender bending!" "BINGO!"
"Aw, man... all I needed was O-Mpreg!

Hanna: Is NaNa farther than WoWo?
Peggy: Yeah, NaNa is over the edge and WoWo is on the fringe.

I don't have a bookshelf so much as a book pile separated by pieces of wood.

Chess is the most non-Zen game thing ever invented, except for Western business.

Take it, because if this desk gets any more little things on it it's going to look like a came and fairy took a crap.